Materuni waterfall, Tarangire National Park, Lake Eyasi, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, & Lake Manyara National Park(mto wa mbu),  Monduli Juu (maasai village)

This is our Big Safari Adventure and just right for you if you want to experience everything that Tanzania has to offer. We’ll take you on a journey of sights and sounds and colours: a journey where you’ll witness a landscape of diversity and nature at its finest. From the golden plains of the Serengeti to the lush exclusivity of Tarangire; from the brilliant beautiful culture to the pink shimmer of flamingo on Soda Lake at the Ngorongoro Crater, you’ll travel across a glorious patchwork of habitats framed eternally by deep blue skies, golden horizons and the indigo of star-filled nights. And all this, of course, with the opportunity to watch some of the most spectacular animals on the planet, including the Big Five. Adventures don’t come any bigger than this.

Day One: Arusha/ Moshi to Materuni waterfalls

Your adventure will start at Arusha/Moshi, a drive up onto the slopes of Kilimanjaro, to the village of Materuni, approximately 1,800 m above sea level.  This lush rainforest region is known for producing some of the best coffee in East Africa.  Start the day with a visit to a small coffee farm and learn about how the coffee is grown, harvested and processed locally. Try your own hand at processing, roasting and preparing a fresh cup of coffee in the local Chagga way. Once you have finished enjoying your coffee break, you will depart on a beautiful 45 minute hike through the hills and valleys en route to the waterfalls.  Along the way your guide will teach you about local plants and how they are used for food and traditional medicine, as well as giving you more insight into the local Chagga culture. The waterfalls are hidden in a pristine valley with cliffs towering up to 200ft overhead.  The water falls straight down in a curtain to land in a small pool where you can relax, take lunch and go for a swim in the chill mountain waters.  After the falls hike you will return back to the car and return to Moshi/Arusha. This is an experience you are sure to love, full of natural beauty, engaging education, and of course coffee.

Day Two: Moshi/Arusha to Tarangire National Park

After a tasty breakfast you’ll head off to the lovely, quiet Tarangire National Park. It’s a huge park, with a diverse concentration of wildlife especially between July and October when the Tarangire River is in full flood. If you love elephants, then this is the park for you. You’ll never forget your first siting of the majestic African elephant, the largest land mammal in the world; and at Tarangire, herds of these beautiful, intelligent creatures wander at leisure, looking after their young. But you’ll also see a dizzying variety of wildlife including lions, giraffe, warthogs, ostrich, impala, cheetah, mongoose, buffalo, and baboons. The birdlife is magnificent, too, and you’ll catch the flash of a red-and-yellow barbet, or gaze on the slow circling of the tawny eagle.

With your picnic lunch boxes, you will enjoy having lunch into the bush and continue with the game drive a later on heading to the camp/lodge  for overnight

Day Three: Tarangire National Park to Lake Eyasi

After a yummy breakfast, you’ll depart for Lake Eyasi,  Lake Eyasi is a special place; it’s the home of one of the world’s last tribe of hunter-gatherers. The Hadzabe bushpeople grow no food, raise no livestock, and live without rules or calendars. They live a hunter-gatherer existence that is little changed in 10,000 years. You’ll be able to watch the Hadzabe traditional methods of survival, including how they hunt; and you can be sure nothing is hunted that is not used in its entirety. The Hadzabe way respects the land and all of its inhabitants and you’ll find a beauty and peace in their way of life. And overnight on certain camp/lodge organized

Note: Depend on time of arrival  to finish all activities, if the time might limit you will finish other activities on next early morning.

Day Four: Lake Eyasi  to Serengeti National Park

After breakfast you’ll say goodbye to Lake Eyasi, and hello to the world-famous Serengeti National Park with your picnic lunch. But first you’ll travel through the villages and explore the local villager’s life, to Ngorongoro Conservation Area for transit heading to Serengeti National Park, while on the way you will be able to enjoy the view point of ngorongoro crater and have the information of the history and formation of it, after there you will still continue to enjoy the resident maasai who are living around the area, then arrive to Naabi hill gate the main gate of Serengeti National Park for lunch and payment and welcome in, on a spectacular view of plain savanna then game drive later on heading the camp/lodge for overnight.

Day Five: Serengeti National Park

After a nourishing breakfast, you’ll continue into the vast plains of the magnificent Serengeti, home to a diverse array of hundreds of species of animal and bird. Each moment of today’s adventure will stimulate your senses; your eyes alert for each new siting, your ears feasting on the calls, screeches and buzz of life – or the still, dead silence of the hot noonday. The Serengeti is world famous for its diversity – you’ll likely see lions, leopard, elephant, cheetahs and water buffalo – and all within a few feet of your jeep. There’s nowhere like it. It’s also home to one of the natural wonders of the world – the Great Migration of zebra and wildebeest as they traverse the plains in their thousands, risking their lives with the predators they attract, who are also just trying to stay alive. It’s humbling to watch. You’ll also spot some of the park’s lesser known, but equally beautiful creatures including eland, hyenas, gazelle, crocodile, giraffe, zebra, monkeys, baboons, hippo and rhino. The hundreds of bird species, both endemic and migrating from the Eurasia, are a special bonus for bird-watchers. The day’s delights will continue with a freshly cooked and delicious dinner at our campsite/lodge  in Seronera, under the stars.

Day Six: Serengeti National Park to Ngorongoro Crater

You’ll be up and about after breakfast for another drive through the sights and sounds of the Serengeti: the golden grasslands dotted with acacia, the endless blue of the skies and the ever-changing sites: over here you might see a rare tree-climbing lion – not as graceful as the leopard who is a lithe, natural climber – and towards the horizon a mixed herd of zebra and wildebeest grazing gently. After lunch you’ll set off for your next adventure, which is an exploration of the unique Ngorongoro Crater, and we’ll spend overnight at Simba Camp/Any lodge, which is on the very rim of the Crater itself. This is an ideal place to rest and relax, as you’ll enjoy a drink watching the incredible colours of the sunset range over the savannah, and the shadow of night creep into the caldera below. You’ll enjoy a delicious dinner by starlight.

Day Seven: Ngorongoro Crater to Lake Manyara

You’ll be up early in a world etched in the pink and apricot rays of an African dawn because early mornings are the best time to spot the animals – especially the Big Five. But don’t worry; you’ll have a filling, healthy breakfast before you set off! The volcanic landscape is rich and fertile and attracts thousands of grazing animals – and their predators. The high walls of the crater form a protective shelter for many animals and prevent migration, so the diversity is dizzying and you’ll spot zebra, wildebeest and cackling hyenas, amongst others. After a busy morning you’ll enjoy a leisurely picnic lunch near a pond full of hippos and then gaze on the sites at Soda Lake: the flocks of graceful flamingos as well as stork, ibis, and crane. Circling in the indigo blue sky are vultures and hawks eagerly in search of a discarded carcases. In the afternoon you’ll set off for Lake Manyara for overnight at our camp on a view point of lake Manyara National Park while enjoying the sunset,

Day Eight: Lake Manyara(mto wa mbu) to Monduli Juu village

The people are the country. Tanzania has 120 different tribes representing all the African ethnic groups. So many visitors to Tanzania only come to see the wildlife, missing out on something even more touching – the local tribes and cultures. We have been offering cultural experiences in Mto Wa Mbu village. We offer you a stroll through modern Africa to spend a few hours seeing how Africans are living today.

After breakfast heading to mto wa mbu village, you go on a 2-hour stroll through the local farming village, This village is unique in Tanzania since it is home to over a 120 different tribes from across Africa. The walk will take you to see local farms, schools, a kindergarten, local homes, the market and milling machines. Optional to this walk is a local lunch in the middle of the village or at the Swahili Canteen Restaurant in Mto Wa Mbu.

Options :To  do walking, biking or Tuk Tuk( is a three tires motor circle being light, small and easy to ride special for older people or people who don’t like to walk for long time or riding bicycles) then later on drive to Monduli  juu( maasai village) when you arrive you will enjoy the traditional maasai song, after it  heading to  boma to see their houses and continue with other activities of see how do they take out milk from the cattle’s, overnight at the camp on top of rift valley.

Day Nine: Monduli Juu Village back to Arusha /Moshi

Early in the morning you will be able to enjoy the view point of  three big mountain of Tanzania if it’s  not clouded  After  breakfast on our base camp we will start walking  with our local  maasai guide from the camp alomg side riftvalley and be able to discover animal truck, local tree which are used for Traditional treatment and so ,many interesting things then back to the camp for lunch then drive back to Arusha or Moshi town.

End of  our best program the big everyday  adventure   

Safari Package Includes

  • Transport (4×4 Land Cruiser) with open roof
  • Camping & park fees
  • Tent & mattres(if it’s a budget safari)
  • Professional English speaking safari guide & chef
  • 8 breakfasts; 9 lunches; 8 dinners
  • 1,5 bottle of drinking water per day; soda’s,  tea and coffee with meals

Not Included

  • Flights
  • Travel insurance
  • Visa and passport fees
  • Increases in park fees where applicable
  • Accommodation & meals in Moshi
  • Personal items
  • Sleeping bag
  • Tips for safari guide & chef
  • Soda and Alcoholic beverages
  • Extra activities (Hot air ballooning & Maasai Village)


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