7 Days Honeymoon Safari Northern Circuit

Our Kili Climb Africa Safaris ™ honeymoon package is irrefutably memorable vacations of everyone’s life, its nature request for serene, apathetic and alleviate. When comes to Honeymoon vocation plan, “he we go” Tanzania become one of the best destination appeared, of its stunning and blissful places on the earth. Breaking the monotony of having a romantic break in snow filled range of valleys or big cities in which streets are flooding with branded shops, the couples are now heading toward safari honeymoons. Safari honeymoon is not only about spending romantic times but also brings a thrilling experience to cherish for a lifetime.

Tanzania honeymoon package delightfully comes wrapped with adventures, serenity, tranquility, and most romantic ambiance. The lush green endless landscapes, stunning wildlife, luxurious lodges or High Standard permanent luxury tents, and sandy beaches make the country the perfect stop for celebrating the newly taken averments.

 Our culmination Honeymoon safari:

  • Our 7-Days Honeymoon Safari is the luxury or standard package list take you to northern destination in order to get unforgettable Safari Experience during your holiday time.
  • We have enough experience and skills on how to make an itinerary with all those little amenities that really make a difference.

Day 1: Arusha to Tarangire National Park National Park

After breakfast drive to Tarangire National Park, it’s about two and half to three hours of driving. After arrival it’s time to astonishing the beauties’ of park with your lunchboxes or hot lunch if will be requested. Continue with game drive till nearly evening, our guide will get you a bit early to the accommodation area, tho it depend with your interest and excitement.

Accomodation: Overnight in the park F/B

Day 2: Tarangire National Park full day

Today you will heard to the southern part of Trangire NationaL Park kown asa silale swamp. During the rainy season water is stored here and is slowly released into the Tarangire River during the dry season. The swamp is green for the majority of the year and it makes for an incredibly beautiful backdrop to the dry land surrounding it, Keep an eye out for tree-climbing lions and leopards, Elephants, Oryx, Kudu and so many in this area. Vey cool and private area you can even enjoy the bush lunch taken from the accommodation area if your not willing to back at the accommodation for hot lunch.

Accomodation: Overnight in the park F/B

Day 3: Tarangire National Park to Lake manyara National Park

This morning  after breakfast  travel to Lake Manyara National Park  with your  lunch boxes, Stretching along the base of the Rift Valley escarpment, Lake Manyara is a scenic gem. Despite its small size (only 614 sq. km), Lake Manyara Lake Manyara National Park has a large number of different habitats, each with its unique plants, animals and birds. Within the park are areas of open grass-land, lake shore, groundwater forest, acacia woodland, swamp, and the lake itself, which is fed by several seasonal rivers and creeks. Later on drive to Karatu for overnight.

Accomodation: Overnight outside the park F/B

Day 4: Karatu to Ngorongoro Crater

This morning proceed to Ngorongoro Crater, the Earth’s largest unbroken caldera. A veritable “Garden of Eden”, the Crater is reputed to contain the highest density of carnivores, which includes  Leopard and Lion. This is the only place in East Africa where one can easily observe a natural population of Black Rhino.  Descend to the crater floor for game drive. After enjoying your picnic lunches, ascend and driving around the crater’s rim then later on heading to accommodation for overnight

Accomodation: Overnight in the park F/B

Day 5: Ngorongoro Crater to Serengeti National Park   

After enjoy the marvelous breakfast, you will continue to Tanzania’s most renowned national park, the Serengeti. Home to the greatest concentration of large mammals on Earth, big number of cats  and felids  while  gazelle roam widely in search of green grass and water.

Accomodation: Overnight in the park F/B

Day 6: Serengeti full day

Full day of game drive in Serengeti National Park, Serengeti  plains provides highest concentration  of game sanctuary  in the world. Estimated about animal population about 4,000,000, Include 3000 lions,1,600,000 wildebeest,300,000 Thomson and Grant Gazelle,500,000 Zebras and more than 400 bird species

Accomodation: Overnight in the park F/B

Day 7: Serengeti Airstrip

In the morning you will heading out for a final game drive on the way to the airport where we say a fond farewell to our guides before catching the schedule  flight to Arusha. Here we are met and have time for some retail therapy before heading  to a well appointed lodge for a day to freshen up and re pack pre departure. Connections can also be arranged to onward destinations such as  beach holidays , Western or Southern Tanzania  circuits or even further afield.



  • All meals on the safari
  • All game viewing activities specified
  • All Park entrance fees & taxes
  • Private 4×4 wheel Safari Vehicle
  • Professional multe-lingua speaking safari-adventure specialist / guide
  • Mineral Drinking Water
  • Transportation


  • Entry Visas
  • International Flights
  • Laundry
  • Optional Activities
  • Tips and Gratuities
  • Possible Concession fees
  • Beverages


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