Margical Southern Circuit

The southern circuits National parks offers a wide range of unpopulated  experiences, from savannah, woodland, Bush land to wetlands, walking safaris to unequalled river experiences.

The magnificent southern Tanzania parks are the  most delightful  destination for the second-time visitor. The southern safaris can also be combined with the Kondoa Rock-Art Sites{ UNESCO  WORLD HERITAGE SITE } On the eastern slopes of the Maasai escarpment bordering the Great Rift Valley are natural rock shelters, overhanging slabs of sedimentary rocks fragmented by rift faults, whose vertical planes have been used for rock paintings for at least two millennia. The spectacular collection of images from over 150 shelters over 2,336 km2 , many with high artistic value, displays sequences that provide a unique testimony to the changing socio-economic base of the area from hunter-gatherer to agro-pastoralist, and the beliefs and ideas associated with the different societies. Some of the shelters are still considered to have ritual associations with the people who live nearby, reflecting their beliefs, rituals and cosmological traditions.

THE southern Safaris can be also blended Further  on the northern parks to  Tarangire National  park ,Lake Manyara ,Ngorongoro and Serengeti park   if time and budget allow. The southern circuit includes parks and reserves that can be visited using Dar es Salaam as a starting point. There’s Saadani National Park[ famously known as Bush 2 Beach} on  north of Dar es saalam , then two hours to the west The  Mikumi  national park among the biggest park in Tanzania on both sides of the highway that meanders down to Iringa and Mbeya and eventually to Zambia or northern Malawi. The Selous Game Reserve and Nyerere Natonal Park which is now the Largest National Park in Africa is newly established park which is part of what  known as Selous Game Reserve  to the south of Mikumi is great for river experiences on the Rufiji River and also for walking safaris. Udzungwa Mountains National Park is all about forests, waterfalls and unparalleled  endemics species of its ten primates, four are endemic – including hehe red colobus and sanje crested mangabey. Other endemic species include two bush babies and birds such as rufous-winged sunbird and Udzungwa partridge. , while Ruaha National Park just west of Iringa is the gem of the southern circuit.

Get to know more about  the Magical Southern Circuit holidays

Ruaha is a remarkable dry season park and because of its remote location, it has very little tourist traffic. You can join one of our walking safaris to enjoy areas where hardly anyone ever goes. Ruaha is also part of the so-called Tabora species divide – the latitude line where Southern African species meet East African species. It’s the only place,  where you find uncommonly seen antelope such as  lesser and greater kudu, roan and sable antelope all in one park, and it’s the southernmost habitat for Grant’s gazelle, although it’s probably a sub-species.  We recommend as much time as possible in Ruaha, especially now that the southern swamps and wetlands have been included, doubling the size of the park and making it the  second biggest in Tanzania.  Ruaha would definitely be our first recommendation, followed by the Nyerere National Park {Formaly known as selous Game reserve} and then Saadani.Mikumi is hardly worth a visit unless you’re stuck in Dar es Salaam and you only have a night or two, but even then it would be more rewarding to fly to Ruaha or the Selous.

If  you didn’t get any itinerary that suited you  and you would  like to design your own  unique itinerary  or  proposal please  kindly contact us : | 

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