Materuni Village – Coffee and Waterfalls Day Trip

Materuni village is a beautifully lush area to visit on the outskirts of Moshi. Here you can really get to grips with the life of the local Chagga people- wandering through the village and passing their homesteads. Located in the picturesque foothills of Kilimanjaro, Materuni has managed to retain its authentic edge over some of the other tourist attractions as it is not one of the routes for climbing Kilimanjaro.

For your day trip you will have two options for transport between Moshi/Arushatown  tothe village… For those who really wish to have the ‘real’ experience you can hop on a daladala (the local minibuses), along with your guide and possibly a chicken or two! If you’d prefer to travel more quickly and comfortably you can choose to take a private car. Once you reach the village you will start your coffee tour at a traditional Chagga ‘shamba’ (farm). Here your guide will explain all aspects of the Chagga homestead including the other crops that they grow aside from coffee. You will get to see how the coffee is produced- from picking the bean to roasting and then drinking a delicious cup yourself. Following your coffee tour you will then take a short hike (make sure to wear some good shoes as it can be muddy up there), passing through local villages to reach the waterfalls. Here you will either have a picnic lunch box or arrive to a full spread of freshly cooked lunch prepared by local cooks around the area for the aim of supporting local community for let you have a test of local meals. Following lunch you will have the opportunity to take a dip in the refreshing (quite cold!) pools beneath the waterfalls. When you have had your fill of this beautiful place you can

start walking back to where you will take the daladala or your private car back to Moshi/Arusha


  •  Banana Plantation
  • Materuni Water Falls
  • Traditional Brew ”Mbege
  • ”Coffee process
  • Daladala transport and picnic lunchbox = 45 USD per person from Moshi
  • Daladala transport and picnic lunchbox = 65 USD per person from Arusha
  • Private car with safari chef or local  hot lunch = 65 USD per person from Moshi
  • Private car with safari chef or local hot lunch 85 USD per person from Arusha (min. 5 people)
  • Daladala transport experience, we highly recommend it when we departure from Moshi

Please contact us for group price discounts and with any other questions!


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