Standard Operating Procedures for COVID-19

Tanzania is Safe from COVID-19. Visitors who have been here after COVID 19 (Post COVID-19 Travelers) have proven Tanzania as Safe region from COVID-19; but still the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been designed to comply with the instructions issued by the Tanzanian Government and the World Health Organization, while the company carries out its day-to-day operations as a provider of safari ,Trekking and other trips. The objective of these SOPs is to allow  Kili Climb Africa Safaris  guests and staff to enjoy maximum protection during the time of the COVID-19 period, while also helping Tanzania to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the country. Kili Climb Africa Safaris  acknowledge that it has a duty to communicate the applicable Tanzanian regulations to its booking agencies, and to remind both its staff and guests of all relevant protective and preventative practices.

  1. Designated COVID-19 Liaison Officer:

Kili Climb Africa Safaris  will appoint a COVID-19 Liaison Officer, based at the company’s Head Office. This designated person will be the point of contact with the relevant Tanzanian Government Ministry. In addition, this officer will have the following responsibilities:

  1. to keep up-to-date with all Tanzanian Government requirements, protocols, preventative measures, policies and procedures in respect of the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. to keep up-to-date as to the identity and location of all designated approved hospitals, medical clinics and mobile clinics in Tanzania for the testing and treatment of COVID-19
  3. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all sanitizing and hygiene procedures for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates
  4. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor any special sanitizing and cleaning procedures as appropriate
  5. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all limits to capacity for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates
  6. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all physical/social distancing requirements for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates
  7. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all COVID-19 procedures relevant to Point Africa safaris guests for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates
  8. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all COVID-19 procedures relevant to Kili Climb Africa Safaris staff for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates
  9. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all COVID-19 procedures for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) relevant to Kili Climb Africa Safaris guests for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates
  10. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all COVID-19 procedures for PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) relevant to Kili Climb Africa Safaris staff for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates
  11. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all COVID-19 procedures for dealing with guests exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or suspected of having COVID-19
  12. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all COVID-19 procedures for dealing with staff exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, or suspected of having COVID-19
  13. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all health records for Kili Climb Africa Safaris guests
  14. to develop, maintain, implement and monitor all health records for Kili Climb Africa Safaris  staff
  15. to develop, maintain and monitor records of all cleaning and sanitizing records for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates.
  16. to ensure adequacy of stocks of all PPE materials for guests and staff when needed for each company location and vehicle in which the company operates
  17. to ensure that all guests are fully aware of all COVID-19 procedures and are provided with sufficient information in respect of such procedures
  18. to ensure that all staff are fully trained in and aware of all COVID-19 procedures and are provided with sufficient information in respect of such procedures; to ensure that all training is regularly updated and that retraining is carried out where necessary
  19. to liaise with any external body, including Government departments or ministries as necessary, in respect of their requirements
  20. to ensure that all notices as required by the Tanzanian Government are correctly displayed in the necessary places, in particular with contact details of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, the MoHCDGEC & PORALG
  21. Guests’ Medical Declaration Form:

All guests will be required by Kili Climb Africa Safaris  to complete a compulsory Medical Declaration Form.

A form must be completed for each individual guest and this will be sent to each guest by our Health and Safety Department, one month prior to the guest’s arrival in Tanzania. The form will be completed and signed and will include the following information for each guest:

  1. Name, nationality and ID or passport number
  2. Proof of travel insurance, with policy number and details of insurer (including contact details)
  3. Name and contact details of next of kin or friend who is not travelling with you to Tanzania
  4. Details of guest’s travel history (other than the current trip) within the month prior to arrival in Tanzania
  5. Details of current trip (prior to start of Point Africa Safari, safari, trekking or any other trip and any subsequent destinations) for the purposes of track and tracing, should it become necessary
  6. Description of guest’s general health, including any current medication, and any chronic or other medical conditions
  7. Description of guest’s general fitness level, including ‘smoker status’ past and present
  8. Details of any physical disability or restrictions
  9. Any symptoms, either indicative of COVID-19 or other condition, in the 30 days prior to arrival in Tanzania
  10. Any history of COVID-19, or its symptoms, at any time prior to current trip
  11. A sign-off by the guest in respect of their COVID-19 disclosure
  12. Temperature Monitoring of Guests and Staff:

Temperatures of all guests will be taken on arrival, at the start of their Kili Climb Africa Safaris trip. (Depending on the method and place of arrival, this might be at the airport, or hotel, or other appropriate location.) Temperatures of guests will then be taken each day after breakfast, for the duration of the guest’s stay, by the driver-guide. On each occasion, a non-contact thermometer will be used and the temperature will be recorded. Any temperature of 37.5 C or above requires action. For staff, temperatures will be taken each time they begin a shift or finish a shift: a non-contact thermometer will be used and all temperatures will be recorded.

In the event that a guest or staff member registers a temperature of 37.5 C or above, the procedures described in section 9, below, must be followed immediately.

  1. Staff Training:

Kili Climb Africa Safaris is committed to providing comprehensive training for its entire staff in respect of COVID-19, its effects and the measures necessary to detect it prevent its spread and deal with it whenever it arises. Point Africa safaris  is also committed to provide further training, as and when necessary, as the COVID-19 situation develops and evolves. Additional, specific training may be required for certain staff depending on the type of work they perform or the locations in which they work, but the following general areas of COVID-19 training are appropriate to all point Africa Safaris  staff:

  1. how the virus is spread and how to minimize the risks of it doing so
  2. how long it can survive on various surfaces
  3. how to identify its symptoms
  4. how to operate safely in the workplace
  5. how and when to correctly use PPE
  6. how and when to wash hands and sanitize (see section 6, below)
  7. physical distancing to protect guests and co-workers
  8. how to change into and out of uniforms
  9. how to be aware of the importance of temperature testing
  10. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment):

Guests must wear a mask at all times, with the following exceptions:

  1. when in their own bedroom at their accommodation
  2. when eating and drinking

Kili Climb Africa Safaris  will carry a stock of spare masks, to provide to guests if they do not have their own. Each guest will be given three approved cloth masks per trip, free of charge. Additional masks can be purchased by guests, if required. Masks of the disposable variety must be properly disposed of in biohazard containers. They must be replaced after each meal.

Staff must wear masks at all times, except when eating and drinking. Kili Climb Africa Safaris  will be responsible for providing an adequate supply of masks, either of the disposable variety or approved cloth masks, with a minimum of three cloth masks (if used) for each staff member. This allows the staff member to wear a mask, have another mask being laundered and the third one as a spare one ready for the following working day. For certain specific tasks, gloves may be required: separate advice will be provided on this. The disposal of all PPE must be carried out in compliance with all relevant Tanzanian Health and Safety regulations.

  1. Sanitizing & Hygiene Practices:

Proper frequent hand washing and sanitizing, together with the thorough and regular/frequent sanitizing of surfaces, are hugely important in preventing the spread of COVID-19. This applies both to guests and staff. Staff members at Kili Climb Africa Safaris  who use surfaces such as desks, computers, counters etc are responsible for sanitizing these every 15 minutes, or each time after their use by another person.

Guests will be required to sanitize their hands on arrival at any establishment – such as accommodation – or on boarding any vehicle. Kili Climb Africa Safaris will be responsible for providing appropriate sanitizer for guests at all its locations and vehicles. Individual bottles of sanitizer will be provided to each guest and should be used after they have handled any surface or handled cash, luggage, food, and drink.
Staff handling luggage should sanitize their hands immediately before and after sorting out all the luggage
Wherever possible, guests should make payments without using cash. If this is unavoidable, then any guest or staff member handling cash should sanitize their hands immediately afterwards.
6.4. Minimizing contact with surfaces.
Wherever possible, objects which are non-essential should be removed from locations and vehicles to minimize contact by guests and staff. Examples of these might be magazines, books and newspapers, games and ‘softs’ such as cushions, rugs, blankets etc. Where these are then provided on request by guests, they should be sanitized both before and after use by the guest.

  1. Physical Distancing & Capacity controls:

Physical Distancing measures play a vital part in helping to prevent the spread of COVID- 19.Kili Climb Africa Safaris strives to keep a distance of 1.5 meters between persons in public and back- of-house areas, though 2 meters is preferable. For guests, this minimum distance should be maintained in all arrival and departure areas, at picnic sites, park entrances, game drives, shops, viewpoints and at attractions such as the Olduvai Gorge Centre. Staff should also maintain the recommended distance at these places, but also in the Kili Climb Africa Safaris  Head Office, vehicle workshop and other work areas.

With respect to safari vehicles, family groups or small groups of friends travelling together can share one vehicle.

Staff must be vigilant at areas where crowds may gather such as visitor attractions, viewpoints, village tours or restaurants and ensure that a build-up of people in an enclosed space does not threaten the requirements of physical distancing measures. It may be necessary on occasion to temporarily restrict access of guests to such places to achieve this.

  1. Vehicle Cleaning:

Special attention must be paid to safari vehicles, as guests spend much time in close contact with each other and the vehicles contain many surfaces with which both guests and staff come into close contact. The following procedures should be followed:

  1. Any unnecessary objects should be removed from the vehicles, to lessen the number of surfaces with which guests and staff might make contact. (Examples might be books, magazines, games etc)
  2. Hand sanitizer should be available at all times for guests to use frequently when returning to the vehicle after meal stops, visits to viewpoints, visitor attractions etc
  3. Each guest should be provided with their own water bottle, binoculars, pen and paper, snacks etc for their exclusive use. (Sharing should be avoided.)
  4. Each vehicle should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized every evening, paying particular attention to door handles and other high-contact areas.
  5. No access should be allowed to the vehicles by unauthorized personnel (eg, airport porters, hotel or camp staff)
  6. Any hotel or camp staff helping with the guests’ luggage should use sanitizer before handling it (this should always be observed by the Point Africa safaris guide)
  7. At the end of each safari trip, each vehicle should be deep-cleaned, by Point Africa safaris staff wearing appropriate PPE. Any removable items should be removed from the vehicle, cleaned and then put back
  8. Office Staff:

In general, the requirements of this Standard Operating Procedure will apply to office-based staff.

Wherever it is practicable, office-based staff will be encouraged to work at home. Kili Climb Africa Safaris will put measures in place within the office to limit the number of staff working in the office at any one time, through staff rotation  which stagger the staff shifts. Physical distancing measures will also be put in place to separate staff, with Perspex screens installed wherever possible between workstations. Desks, phones, computers, headsets and other equipment will be dedicated to each individual, with no sharing or hot-desking.

Any superfluous surfaces should be taped off or removed, to minimize contact. All surfaces will be regularly sanitized.

Staff will be encouraged to sanitize their hands frequently throughout the day and sanitizer will be provided by Kili Climb Africa Safaris  to enable this.

The office will be ventilated as much as possible, either by open windows or air- conditioning.

  1. Guests or Staff Who Display COVID-19 Symptoms:

For the areas in which Kili Climb Africa Safaris  operates, contact details of designated approved hospitals, medical clinics, mobile clinics, doctors, testing centers and pharmacies in Tanzania for the testing and treatment of COVID-19 should be clearly displayed in all locations and vehicles operated by Kili Climb Africa Safaris . All staff should be made aware of these during their training. Also as part of their training, all Kili Climb Africa Safaris  staff should be made familiar with basic procedures to follow in the event of a guest or colleague displaying COVID-19 symptoms. However, the COVID-19 Liaison Officer should be designated at all times to be responsible for coordinating and managing Kili Climb Africa Safaris  response to any guest or staff member who displays symptoms or registers a high temperature, or indeed a positive test result.

A test should be carried out without delay for any guest or staff member exhibiting symptoms. This then allows the Kili Climb Africa Safaris  operation to continue safely as soon as possible.

10.1 Guests displaying symptoms on arrival, but before pick-up/check in:
Any guest displaying symptoms on arrival should be requested to return home and follow their own country’s advice when they do so. If symptoms on arrival are severe, however, a doctor should be consulted without delay.

Kili Climb Africa Safaris  will assist in facilitating the guest’s return home.

In the event that a return home is not possible, the guest must be isolated in a COVID-19 isolation unit or designated COVID-19 hotel room.

Any vehicle used in the transport of any such guest must be thoroughly deep-cleaned after use.
10.2 Monitoring of clients with symptoms:
Any guest with COVID-19 symptoms should, wherever possible, be isolated in a single- occupancy room with a private bathroom and attended to by designated staff wearing full PPE (eye protectors/visors, gowns and disposable, single-use gloves which must be disposed of after each contact.) Any non-essential items should be removed from the isolation room, to minimize contact.

The guest will not be allowed to leave the room, and meals will be served in the room. In the vent that the guest’s symptoms are severe, get worse or last for more than a day, a doctor should be consulted.

Depending on the doctor’s assessment, the guest will be sent for a COVID-19 test, recommended to continue the period of isolation, or sent to be admitted to a hospital.

Any vehicle in which the guest has travelled must be deep-cleaned and decontaminated.

If Kili Climb Africa Safaris is notified through tracing that a past guest has subsequently tested positive for COVID-19, then vehicles or other areas used by that guest must be decontaminated.

Any vehicle which has been used to transport a guest who has shown symptoms or been confirmed as having had COVID-19 can, if possible, be left unused for between 5 and 7 days before being deep-cleaned and decontaminated. The vehicle should not be accessed by anyone during that period.

All waste materials which have been used in taking care of, serving (with drinks, meals etc) or cleaning areas used by those who have shown symptoms must be disposed of in biohazard disposal bags or containers. These must also be used for the disposal of all PPE used by either staff or guests.

Any staff or fellow travelers who have been in contact with any guest who has tested positive for COVID-19 must themselves self-isolate for 14 days either at home or in a designated establishment.

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