Northern Circuit

“The Serengeti in northern Tanzania is one place where it is still possible to see how cheetahs live in the wild,  untainted by sentiment” 

– National Geographic Vol. 196, No.6 Dec 1999

“The only living things which look as if they really belonged to it (the park) are the Wild Animals. Between the animals and Africa there is an understanding that the human beings have not yet earned” 

– Laurens van der Post, Venture to the Interior, 1963

The game parks of the Northern Circuit contain some of the most spectacular concentrations of wildlife found in Tanzania. It is no wonder that these game parks are world renowned, unparalleled in concentrations of wildlife, and some of the most pristine yet easily accessible biospheres left on earth.

Lake Manyara National Park

AREA: 319 Sq. Km.
ALTITUDE: 945 Metres

Although it is Tanzania’s smallest park, Lake Manyara is one of the most diverse reserves in the country. The beautiful Lake Manyara covers two thirds of the park, while the rest consists of steep mountainside, swamps, dense woodlands, open grassy areas and hot springs.

Lake Manyara is one of the many alkaline lakes of the Great Rift Valley. It was formed abut three million years ago and is quite shallow, with an average depth of about three metres. The lake attracts hundreds of birds species. In high vegetation near the park entrance, baboons and black monkeys charter between cicada shrills. More than 350 species of birdlife are found in Lake Manyara – including pelicans, Egyptian geese, ducks, waders, herons, storks, grebes, ibises, kingfishers and the flamingoes. The extraordinary birdlife has made this place world-renowned among ornithologists,

The park is famed for its unique tree-climbing lions. The rare sight of seeing the king of the beasts sprawled in the bough of a tree is an unforgettable sight

The wall of the Great Rift Valley forms the backdrop before which lies the ground water forest, areas of open grassland near the lake foreshore, and the Soda Lake.

Ngorongoro Crater


AREA : 300 Sq. Km.
ALTITUDE: 2286 Metres

Ngorongoro crater is located west of the great rift valley which runs from the Red Sea to Lake Nyasa in southern Tanzania. Ngorongoro was an active volcano some eight million years ago, whose cone collapsed, leaving a crater. It is the largest unbroken caldera in the world, the second largest extinct crater in the world, and today shelters the most beautiful wildlife haven left on earth with a spectacular concentration of wildlife and stunning views.

The Crater is oval in shape, 300Sq. Km in area, 610m deep. There are 25,000 larger animals within the crater itself. This is undoubtedly the best place to see black rhino in Tanzania as well as prides of lion that include the magnificent black-maned males.
All of the big five are seen – elephant, rhino, lion, leopard and buffalo. Other game includes: cheetah, hyena, zebra, warthog, impala, hartebeest, eland and lots of other members of the antelope family and smaller mammals of sorts.

Birdlife includes: Kori bustard, secretary bird, crested crane, maribou stock, goliath, heron, beautiful fish eagles, and thousands of colourful flamingoes. More than a 100 species of bird not found in the Serengeti have been found in the crater.

Vegetation: The crater rim is wooded with mountain forest vegetation. Blooming in acres of flowers e.g. pink, blue and white lupines, candle white lilies, blue hyacinth.

Serengeti National Park

AREA: 14763 Sq. Km.
ALTITUDE: 1400 Metres

The Serengeti National Park is as big as Northern Ireland, and the most popular wildlife sanctuary in the world. It has been a protected area since the 1940’s, and was accorded national park status in 1951. In 1981, the Serengeti was inscribed onto the list of UNESCO world heritage sites. The park is fantastic in its natural beauty and unequalled in its scientific value. This vast expanse of land is known to contain about 4 million different types of animals.

The plains of Serengeti are mainly crystalline rocks overlain by volcanic ash with numerous granitic rock outcrops (kopjes). In the north and along the western corridor are mountain ranges of mainly volcanic origin. Two rivers flowing west usually contain water and there are a number of lakes, marshes, and waterholes.

Large herds of antelope of all sorts including: Patterson’s eland, Klipspringer, Dikdik, impala, Zebra, gazelles, water, bush and reed buck, topi, kongoni, cotton’s oribi, grey bush duiker, roan antelope buffalo, and wildebeest. Plus: lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena, bat eared fox, hunting dog and jackal. Smaller mammals: spring hare, porcupine, warthog, hyraxes, baboon, vervet monkey, colobus monkey, patas monkey, and mongooses. Larger mammals: giraffe, rhino, elephant, hippopotamus. Nearly 500 species of bird, including vultures, storks, flamingoes, martial and fish eagles, ostrich. Reptiles: crocodiles, a number of species of snakes and lizards

The following statistics of wildlife population is a small indication of the immensity of the Serengeti: 700,000 Thompson gazelles, 65,000 Topi, 50,000 Grant gazelles, 1,500,000 wildebeest, 200,000 zebras, 2,000 lions, 800 leopards, 4,000 hyenas, 200 wild dogs, 500 cheetahs, 500 species of birds, more than 30 species of large herbivores…the list goes on.

In May and early June you can witness the annual migration of millions of zebra and wildebeest in search of water and forage as the seasons change.

Vegetation: Serengeti’s low vegetation means that game viewing is relatively easy. It varies from open grass plains in the south, savannah with scattered acacia trees in the centre, hilly wooded grassland in the north, to extensive woodland and black clay plains in the west. There are many small rivers, lakes and swamps scattered about.

Animals live in absolute freedom on the endless plains.

Tarangire National Park

AREA: 2600 Sq. Km.
ALTITUDE: 1100 Metres.

Tarangire is situated on the south of large open grass plains of southern Masailand. The name Tarangire is derived from the Tarangire River which provides permanent water for wildlife.

In the dry season, Tarangire has a high concentration of wildlife, second only to Ngorongoro Crater. Animals found in Tarangire, include lion, leopard, oryx, gnu and greater and lesser kudu. Also included are: wildebeest, zebras, Thompson’s gazelle, Grant’s gazelle, buffalo, elephant, impala, and eland.

Over 300 species of birds are recorded in the park. Some Eurasian migrants are found, which are present from October – April. Tarangire is an ornithologists paradise rich in birds of prey and an incredible diversity of fauna

Vegetation: Principal features are the grassland and flood plains which consist of open grassland, acacia trees, rich woodland, found besides tributaries and orchard bush. This park is symbolised by the Baobab tree, dotted throughout the park growing in open acacia woodland.

Arusha National Park

AREA: 137 Sq. Km.
ALTITUDE: 1500 Metres (at Momella)

Arusha National Park is a relatively small park, covering an area of 137 square kilometers (52.9 square miles)

Lying between the peaks of Kilimanjaro and Meru, Arusha National Park is an area of outstanding beauty. The Park has a wide range of habitats, from the string of crater lakes where many water birds can be watched, through the highland montane forest and on up to the imposing summit of Mt. Meru.

The interesting geology of the area is reflected in the impressive view of the ash cone and cliff face leading to the summit of Mt. Meru. Three distinct areas are to be found within Arusha National Park: Ngurdoto Crater, the Momela Lakes and the rugged Mt. Meru. Altitudes range from 1,500 meters (4,921 feet) above sea level at Momela to over 4,500 (14,764 feet) meters at the summit of Meru.

The Ngurdoto Crater is 20 Km. across and 100 metres deep. The Momella Lakes 10 Km. north of Ngurdoto Crater, were formed about 1/4 million years ago, perhaps when Mt. Meru exploded and spewed volcanic debris and liquid mud over the surrounding area.

The vegetation which occurs in the Park is correlated to the altitude and geology of the area. Ngurdoto Crater is surrounded by forest whilst the crater floor is a swampy area. The Momela Lakes, like many in the Rift Valley, are alkaline, and Mt. Meru is a mixture of lush forests and bare rocks.

The forests contain a wealth of birds and other animals, like the beautiful bushbuck easily glimpsed in the grades between the ancient cedar trees, or the black and white colobus monkeys climbing along their branches. Other animals found in the park include buffalo, hippo, reedbuck, waterbuck, elephant, giraffe, baboon, bushpig, sykes monkey, vervet monkey, mongoose and warthog. Birdlife includes grebe, africanpochard, ibis, heron and egret.

Both Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru can be seen from the park when the weather is fine.

The Olduvai Gorge

Olduvai Gorge is an archaeological site located in the eastern Serengeti Plains. The gorge is a steep sided ravine roughly 30 miles long and 295 ft. deep. Exposed deposits show rich fossil fauna, many hominid remains and items belonging to the one of the oldest stone tool technologies. The time span of the objects recovered date from 15,000 years ago to over 2 million years ago.

In 1959 the skull of zinjanthropus was discovered by Dr. Leakey at the Olduvai Gorge. zinjanthropus is believed to have lived 1.8 million years ago. In the 1970’s the foot-prints of animals and early hominids dating back to 3.5 million years were found by Mary Leakey at Laetoli, some 45 kms south of Olduvai Gorge.

In 1974 fossils of hominid tooth were discovered, dating back to 2.4 million years. Engaruka Site, discovered not very far from Olduvai is believed to be an ancient settlement of a later civilisation. Between half a million and a million years ago, “Homo Erectus” , who stood upright, wondered around making use of hand axes. Many such tools were found at Olduvai.

Skeletal remains of hominids on the oldest bed of the gorge are assigned to the Homo Habilis an Australopithecus Boisei families. Campsites and what is believed to be a butchery site have also been excavated from this bed. The Hominid living sites in Bed I are found mainly where streams from the volcanic highlands carried fresh water to Olduvai lake. The conditions for the preservation of the sites is mainly due to the ash falls from the nearby volcanoes. The debris found at the sites are various tools, bone and teeth from animals, mainly from fair sized antelopes. Also a loosely built circle of lava blocks was found, suggesting that crude shelters were formed here as well.

The latest of the archaeological Beds is the Naisiusiu. It lays in the bottom of the Gorge at what is now the present depth. It only has a depth of 33 ft. It contains one site that has microlithic tools and one complete Homo Sapien skeleton, both of which date to 17,000 years ago.

More than 150 different species of extinct mammals have been identified from the fossils, as well as many birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. An on-site museum explains the archeological significance of the discoveries. This area, it seems, is indeed the “Cradle of Mankind”.

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